Mission statement
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child - Article 29

'Gracelands Nursery School, Sowing the Seeds for Lifelong Learning.'


United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child - Article 31

At Gracelands Nursery School, our vision is that every child has the right to the best possible start in life, with access to a high quality early years learning environemnt and skilled, well-trained Early Years practitioners. All children deserve the support and care needed to enable them to succeed. Every step a child makes is celebrated so all children reach their full potential.


United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child - Article 28

School Values

Our values underpin our practice and run through every aspect of our curriculum. The best interests and welfare of children are at the forefront of all that we offer.

We want our children to be: 

courageous, creative, expressive, independent, motivated, playful, respectful and valued.

These attributes drive the content of curriculum and the delivery of our curriculum.

We value courage: To be brave, take risks and persevere. To wishstand difficulty.

We value creativity: To use imagination. To generate ideas and possibilities.

We value expression: To express thoughts or feelings through words, emotions, face and body expressions or the creative arts.

We value independence: To have the belief that they are competent and capable. To act for oneself.

We value motivation: To have the desire, want or drive to do something.

We value play and playfulness: To be light-hearted. To be fond of playing, games and amusement.

We value respect: To be regarded for own feelings, wishes and rights. To be admired for own abilities, qualities or achievements.

We see huge value in children feeling important, and to be and feel cherished (valued).

Our key principles

At Gracelands Nursery School, the curriculum is designed to recognise children’s prior learning and to provide first hand learning experiences. Stated within the EYFS framework (2021), Play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals and solve problems. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults.’ Children learning through play is the key pedagogical thread throughout our curriculum. Our play-based curriculum encourages:

  • Practicing and building up ideas, concepts and skills through tangible opportunities
  • Positive physical and mental health
  • Hands-on exploration both indoors and outdoors to help children make sense of the world around them
  • Understanding of the need for rules and what that looks like in our Nursery
  • Socialisation and communication through sharing experiences, working together, making friends and learning about the wider world
  • Resilience through resolving conflict, overcoming frustration, dealing with uncertainty
  • Development of cognitive skills, concentration and long-term memory through problem solving, investigation, flexible thinking, and revisiting skills and ideas
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication through sharing experiences, sharing own ideas, storying and role play
  • Risk taking, understanding of ‘safe risks’ and making mistakes
  • Creativity through self-expression and imaginative play, making connection between what is remembered and new abstract ideas
  • Using the whole body to move in different ways and strengthen core muscles, developing fine and gross motor skills

Gracelands Nursery School

Grace Road,
B11 1ED
Executive Head Teacher - Samantha Richards
Deputy Head Teacher - Harshila Parmar

Opening Hours

8:30am - 3:30pm (term time only)

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 772 3124
Email: enquiry@grclands.bham.sch.uk

Please ask at reception if you need a paper copy of any information given on this web site.

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