Parent View gives you the chance to see reviews from other parents. It also gives you the opportunity to tell Osted what you think about your child’s school, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. You can do so by clicking the parents view link below: 

We view feedback from any source as a gift and we use it to support our continuous improvement cycle. We meet each term with parents and more regularly with children as part of our commitment to listening to our children.


Parent consultation questions

1. What has your child learned?

2. Do you feel you child is safe? Do you know how to raise a concern?

3. We are a Rights Respecting School? What do you understand about children’s rights and what rights are important to you?

4. What has the experience felt like for you?

5.How could we improve further? What services would you like to access?

Analysis of Parent Induction Evaluation

What the parents felt they learned from parents induction

8 x Development stages for my child and how they progress

8 x Parent felt informed by the session

7 x How the school teaches children and what they learn

7 x How I can help my child at home

6 x Behaviour strategies

5 x Nursery provision for teaching and learning at Gracelands

4 x How children are cared for

3 x Listening to your child

3 x Reading skills and why they are important

3 x   Building children’s independence skills

3 x Health and safety aspects

2 x How long children should spend using screen time (TV, Mobiles, I pads, etc)

2 x How the nursery promote discussing feelings and building confidence

2 x E–safety - keeping children safe using technology

2 x Parent felt confident after the session

2 x What safeguarding is

Bedtime routine

Potty Training

Eating routine

Learning through play

UN Rights of a child

Phonics and letter recognition

Children’s individual needs are catered for

Expectations of parents

What parents felt they still wanted to know?

About my child’s education and the curriculum?

The curriculum we follow is the Early Years Foundation Stage (2012). Planning boards are available is both teaching areas as explained in the meeting. You are able to read them every day. Key workers are available for the first 15 minutes of everyday for discussions with parents. We also organised three private opportunities called parent consultation for you to discuss your child’s individual progress and development.

What is the daily routine?

The rhythm of the day is available on the planning board. The children have a mixture of child lead and adult lead times through the day.

How to can I learn more to help listening skills, potty training and getting rid of bottle feeding?

The teachers all run workshops throughout the year. We also give parents Share activities after Christmas to help with communication skills at home. The Children’s Centre will be running a play and language course in November, parenting classes and sessions on developmental stages. Look out for parents workshops at the front entrance and via leaflet.    

Will the teacher let me know daily how my child is doing?

Each child has their own key worker who works with small family   groups. Your key worker will be available in the morning and afternoon for handover information and   conversations.

When will you update us on the UN rights of a child. It was interesting?

We will keep parents informed through newsletters and the website. If any parents want to be a part of the steering group please contact Mrs Miles.

“I have learned that my child is in a very good nursery which has trained confident staff which has made me more confident that my child will receive the best support and care throughout her journey here.”


“I am very happy about my son being here and I’m very satisfied about his safety in this nursery. Thank you”


“This is a very informative session. She explained very well. She tells us very good information about learning, skills and rules. I am very happy.”


“The session clearly presented how Gracelands implements the early years learning in their teaching/learning program. There key areas/expectations for parents and how we work together for our children was reassuring. I think it was pitched at the right levels, and makes you feel that if there are any other questions, staff are only to happy to help”


Home Visit Parent Evaluation

100% of parents said they would recommend home visits for new children to help them settle in.

100% of parents said the home visit was an ‘excellent’ strategy help to settle their child in.

The best parts ...

“The best part was when my child met her teacher. She was very excited about the visit and was very comfortable because it was at home.   The home visit was well planned. I can honestly say I cannot think of how it could have been planned better.”


“It was helpful when they came and talked to my child, played with my child and explained everything to me.”


“Exchanging information about child development, our family and how we can work together.”


“My child seeing his keyworker and her talking to her, this was the main thing my child remembered.”


From your feedback next year we will:

  • Try to stay a little longer

Gracelands Nursery School

Grace Road,
B11 1ED
Executive Head Teacher - Samantha Richards
Deputy Head Teacher - Harshila Parmar

Opening Hours

8:30am - 3:30pm (term time only)

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 772 3124

Please ask at reception if you need a paper copy of any information given on this web site.

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